Let’s face it, you’re not the only bar in town. There are several business that offer similar services or products and more are opening every day. But, how can you be heard in a herd?My first piece of advice is to stop worrying about the competition. Focus your efforts on offering the best service YOU can provide. Here are four action items you can implement in your routine today to provide better service. Peruse through the page and you’ll know that this page talks about customer centric qualities that are considered an integral part in today’s businesses.
- Position yourself as an expert. Build your brand clout by marketing yourself as a thought leader. Your target audience will admire your leadership and naturally choose you over other providers. As you build your notoriety, your prospects will think of you earlier in the buying cycle.
- Become customer-centric. Did you know 81% of companies with strong capabilities and competencies for delivering customer experience excellence are outperforming their competition (Source: Peppers & Rogers Group, Customer Experience Maturity Monitor, 2009)? Turn your attention away from the competition and focus on gaining the loyalty of your current client base. When you deliver consistently and exceed expectations, your customers become raving fans who will go out of their way to promote you. Referrals will come flooding in when your happy customers become your advocates.
“It’s very logical: There is proven ROI in doing whatever you can to turn your customers into advocates for your brand or business. The way to create advocates is to offer superior customer service.”- Gary Vaynerchuk, “The Thank You Economy.”
- Be consistent. Consistency is key when you want to be recognized. It builds trust and credibility. Maintain consistency in your logo, colors and fonts but, in messaging, voice, and service too. According to an American Express Survey (2011), 3 in 5 Americans (59%) would try a new brand or company for a better service experience.
- Form unexpected partnerships. Create strategic alliances with other brands in your market. Teaming up with other adds complementary resources and capabilities, enabling you to grow and expand more quickly and efficiently.Exchange knowledge and tools, expand the market, cross promote and collaborate on research to educate consumers. One day, you might merge with, or acquire, your largest competitor.
What insights can you share that have helped you get past competition?
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